Auspicious Beginnings

by Mark Denovich
(Pittsburgh, PA)



The USPS smiled upon me and delivered a Nissin Airstage 390, before noon. Recently I got a hot tip on where to find some brookies... somewhere where sanitary sewers don't drain straight into the water. So I loaded up the car and headed for the hills.

The pool I found was almost too good to use while I got the feel for the new rod. My worries were misplaced, I put the fly right where I wanted it. A few casts later I put it where a lovely native brookie wanted it and it was "fish on!"

I was so pleased with myself, the rod, the world, I almost wanted to pack up my gear and go home on a high note. But I stuck around, and I'm glad I did. I found another nice brook trout and 3 smaller ones, leaving only one fly behind in the trees.

I'm really pleased with the Air Stage 390. Light, crisp, well-damped... nearly every cast was delivered on target. I found that I quickly began fishing differently. With my improved placement I could pick apart the stream.

Return to Your Tenkara Stories.

“The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten” - Benjamin Franklin

"Be sure in casting, that your fly fall first into the water, for if the line fall first, it scares or frightens the fish..." -
Col. Robert Venables 1662

As age slows my pace, I will become more like the heron.


The hooks are sharp.
The coffee's hot.
The fish are slippery when wet.

Beware of the Dogma

This Just In

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