Through this site, I have tried to provide the information I wish had been available when I wanted to learn about tenkara, and to share my passion for tenkara, keiryu and other styles of fixed line fishing.
Everything on this site is provided for general information purposes only. Most of it is my own personal opinion - and should be viewed as opinion rather than fact. I can't guarantee any of it, and it is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expess or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. I do not accept any responsibility for any loss whatsoever which may arise from reliance on information contained on this site. That includes everything from loss of a fish to loss of your job, your marriage or your life. It's a slippery slope, and you have to watch your own footing. I do not accept any responsibility whatsoever for any loss, damage, illness, injury or death that may be caused by using (or misusing in any way) any product sold, recommended or even mentioned in passing on this site.
Hooks are available for sale on the TenkaraBum site. As the Daiichi 25-hook package says Caution: DANGEROUSLY SHARP! Fishhooks made by other companies also are DANGEROUSLY SHARP! Most of the flies that are available for sale on the site are not tied on Daiichi hooks. However, the hooks they are tied on are DANGEROUSLY SHARP!
Hooks have to be sharp to be effective. It is the very nature of a fishhook. Please be careful. Once the hooks and flies leave my possession, I have no control (and will accept no responsibility) over what you do with them. Please keep them out of the reach of unsupervised children and pets (and streamside trees). And by all means, if you are going to hook yourself or your fishing partner, please bend down the barbs beforehand. Bend down the barbs of all hooks that will be used by children or around children. Wear eye protection and make sure your children wear eye protection.
ANYTHING can hurt you if you are not careful, and many things can hurt you even if you are. WARNING: everything is dangerous. I'm serious, everything. I can't put a warning label on everything I sell, so just assume it can kill you if you aren't careful.
And absolutely, positively, do not fish during a lightning storm. Lightning can kill you and the graphite tenkara rods sold on TenkaraBum can attract it. If you hear thunder, even in the distance, collapse your rod and stop fishing. And if you EVER hear your rod buzz, not the high pitched whine you may hear when you have a nice fish on the line, but a low electric buzz, lower the rod IMMEDIATELY, collapse it and get out of the water.
A lot of the things that are sold on are of a size that could cause choking. Don't put them in your mouth and don't let your children put them in their mouths.
The fish bait sold on this site (including but not limited to Mummy Worms, Power Isome and Nikko Sashi) are for fish to eat, not people. I do not THINK they are dangerous if eaten, but I have not eaten any to find out. I urge in the strongest possible terms that you not eat any either, and by all means, do not let your children eat them.
The Mummy Worms look like candy and the Power Isome smell like fruit wraps. THEY AREN'T. If you use any of the bait sold on this site and if you have kids, or fish where there are kids, or even know any kids, watch them like a hawk and do not let them eat the bait!
I ship most items via the US Postal Service. In my experience, their service is quicker and less expensive than the alternatives. However, I do not run the post office. Once I drop off your package, anything that happens to it is their responsibility. If your package arrives much faster than expected, they deserve the praise, not me. If it arrives much slower than expected, or if it is damaged in transit, or if it is lost, stolen, bent, spindled or mutilated, it is their fault, not mine.
If you do not have a secure place for the postman to leave a package, please use the Contact Us form to request Signature on Delivery. Your front porch is not a secure place. I am not responsible for and will not replace packages stolen from your front porch. If the USPS tracking data show that the package was delivered, it was delivered. If it wasn't there when you got home, that's between you and the USPS. Call your local Post Office and check with your next door neighbors. That finds almost all missing packages. For orders under $50, there will be a $2.65 charge for Signature on Delivery.
USPS tracking is limited and is only updated when a package is scanned. No scan, no info, and no one at the post office can tell you (or me) anything more than is on the tracking website.
I ship items to the address that is listed on the PayPal order. Please check to make sure the address is correct BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER. If the address is not correct, you should not expect to receive the items you order (you should also not expect me to send replacements).
You should assume that all fly tying materials that you buy, borrow, barter or acquire in any other way from any source whatsoever (including are infested with bugs, mites, or other organisms that will damage or destroy all your other fly tying materials, most of your sweaters and your wife's fur coat if she has one. It is your responsibility to store them in a way that prevents anything bad from happening. You should also assume that dogs, cats and children will eat them if given a chance. Some materials are treated with pesticides and are not safe to eat. It is your responsibility to prevent them from being eaten.
Some links on this website lead to other websites, operated and maintained by other people. The links are provided solely as a convenience to you. I am not responsible for any of the content or policies of those sites, and a link does not imply an endorsement of the site, its operator, its content, its policies or any products that might be sold on that site.
I am not responsible for the privacy policy on other websites, nor am I responsible for any loss of privacy that may occur on other websites. may place ads on other websites. The placement of ads does not does not imply an endorsement of the site, its operator, its content,
its policies or any other products that might be sold or advertised on that site. Any ads placed on blogging sites are paid for and are not a quid pro quo for favorable reviews of products sold on
Some of the items sold on are subject to Federal Excise Tax. Where applicable, the Federal Excise Tax is already INCLUDED in the prices listed on the site.
I am required by the State of New York to collect sales tax on the sales price (and shipping charges) for items delivered in New York State. I am required by New Jersey, North Carolina, Arkansas, etc to collect sales tax on the sales price of items SOLD AT THE SHOWS in those states where I have a table or booth. Sales taxes are NOT INCLUDED in the prices listed on the site.
Everything on this site is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. Material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, republished or retransmitted without prior written permission.
“The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten” - Benjamin Franklin
"Be sure in casting, that your fly fall first into the water, for if the line fall first, it scares or frightens the fish..." -
Col. Robert Venables 1662
As age slows my pace, I will become more like the heron.
The hooks are sharp.
The coffee's hot.
The fish are slippery when wet.
Beware of the Dogma