Basic Fly Tying

Free Materials - Just Pay Postage

I seriously need to clear out the Batcave so I am giving away some fly tying materials that I  know I will never use. The following materials are free, although I will ask that the recipient pay $5.50 for postage. (The US Postal Service raise the postage rate for small packages on January 21.) Multiple items can be shipped together for one $5.50 charge, but you cannot say "I'll take everything!" Take what you'll use but don't take advantage. Many of the items have been partially used.

Send me a list using the Back in Stock Notification page. Be sure to include your full name (not just first name), email address and delivery address.

First come, first served. For most items I have only one package.


You should assume that all the items have bugs. DO NOT throw any item in with your other fly tying materials. At minimum, freeze them for a couple weeks and to be truly safe, keep them in a closed container with mothballs for a week. Be sure your children and pets cannot get to the mothballs.

I don't KNOW that the materials have bugs, but I can't guarantee that they don't. Truly, you should assume that ALL materials you acquire from ANY source have bugs! I have purchased materials from reputable commercial sources that came with bugs. Be safe, not sorry.

In no particular order:

Wood Duck White Breast Feathers (for fanwing Coachman)

Select Goose Shoulder - Yellow

Select Goose Shoulder - Orange

Left over from Blue Fly Challenge
Select Goose Shoulder - Royal Blue

Utra Chenille Medium Orange

Ultra Chenille Medium Fluorescent Fire Orange

Fly Tying With Clamps and Nippers

If you do not have a vise, you can still tie flies. Please see the Fly Tying with Clamps and Nippers article. Having a vise and some fly tying tools does make it easier and quicker, but it is not at all necessary. Flies tied "in hand" or with just clamps and nippers tend to be imperfect, disheveled, very "buggy" and surprisingly effective!

Although you will probably want to use a vise when tying at home, if you tie during a fishing trip or even at streamside, you probably will not have a vise with you. You can tie flies that are very effective (although perhaps not very neat) with just a pair of Dr. Slick Spring Creek Clamps and a pair of nippers.

Hook in vise, thread started behind hook eye.
Hackle tied in, ready to wrap.
Wrapping the thorax.
Finished fly in vise

It is not at all hard to do and takes only a little practice. Click here for more information and step-by-step instructions.

And really, if you tie for the fish rather than for the fisherman, and view a fly as a tool rather than a small piece of art, you might decide you don't actually need a vise anyway. Flies tied with clamps and nippers look pretty buggy - and they do catch fish.

TenkaraBum Home > Basic Fly Tying

“The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten” - Benjamin Franklin

"Be sure in casting, that your fly fall first into the water, for if the line fall first, it scares or frightens the fish..." -
Col. Robert Venables 1662

As age slows my pace, I will become more like the heron.


The hooks are sharp.
The coffee's hot.
The fish are slippery when wet.

Beware of the Dogma

This Just In

Suntech Kurenai II AR

Ever since I started fly fishing, I've wanted to fish beautiful flies. I respect and understand the bait and lure fishermen and even those who purchase flies, but it's not for me. I get more happiness when the catch starts at the tying bench with a piece of artistic creativity.

Phillip D, Montana