Tenkara bumming in Cary, NC

by David
(Cary, NC)

Creek Chub

Creek Chub

So, now I finally get it. What micro fishing is all about, that is.

I live in Cary, N.C., a small but growing town near Raleigh. Its home to SAS and numerous other computer and Pharmaceutical corporations. It has all the amenities of a large city and miles of hiking, biking and riding trails, most of them following small creeks. Perfect micro fishing territory.

I ordered a Shimotsuke Kiyotaki 18 and all the necessary tackle, etc. and headed out to Black Creek Green way, a short 100 meters from my front door. Its very picturesque, but I really didn't expect to see much. Boy was I wrong.

I quickly learned to simply wade the creek instead of bushwhacking through the thick, thorny understory. The wading alone was a real pleasure. It reminded me of being a kid, without a care in the world. I saw some incredible sights I never knew were so close. Tranquil little waterfalls, age old cliffs where this unassuming little creek has eroded the bedrock over millions of years, a wild cherry tree, and several deep, dark, inviting pools punctuated the creek's course. Unfiltered nirvana.

After remembering I had packed in fishing gear, I deployed the Kiyotaki in a large, deep pool that may have never seen a fisherman before. It took all of 10 seconds to hook my first fish, a small red breasted sunfish. A stunningly beautiful fish and a scrappy fighter. Incredible! Over the next 2 hours, I caught and released 36 fish. 36! Besides the red- breasted sunfish, I also caught green sunfish, creek chubs, and some unknown minnows. What a trip!

If you are wondering whether to try micro fishing or not, I would advise you to not waste another minute! The only thing that really got hooked that day was me!

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“The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten” - Benjamin Franklin

"Be sure in casting, that your fly fall first into the water, for if the line fall first, it scares or frightens the fish..." -
Col. Robert Venables 1662

As age slows my pace, I will become more like the heron.


The hooks are sharp.
The coffee's hot.
The fish are slippery when wet.

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